With inflation still a major issue, your customers are laser-focused on achieving discounts, favourable payment terms, and flexibility in their supply chain.

Imparta research has shown that salespeople who lack best-practice negotiation skills and mindset can reduce the net profits of your whole business by anything up to 50%.

This is particularly true when they also need to negotiate price increases in a way that is seen as a win by both sides. We have helped many clients to improve performance in this area, and it is one of our most in-demand training topics this year.

In this webinar, Richard Barkey, Founder and CEO of Imparta, is joined by Jonas Olsson, former Chief Purchase Officer (CPO), who had responsibility for 2 B€ spend, and 150 buyers.

Topics covered include:

  • The 8 types of sales negotiator, and which types you definitely don’t want to be.
  • Understanding Procurement: who they are, and what they really care about.
  • Psychology in negotiation: Anchoring, Framing, and responding to customer demands and/or asking for price increases.
  • Trading off ‘Gives’ and ‘Gets’ to create value for both you and the customer.
  • Understanding, anticipating and disarming the 5 most powerful techniques that Procurement teams use to extract discounts from you.
  • How to build a comprehensive sales negotiation capability across your whole team.

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