AI Powered Change Process

AI-Powered Change Process

Sales transformations and continuous improvement are rarely achieved through a single form of learning, such as courses. They should not be viewed as a project with a defined endpoint, as new challenges will continually arise as your team, market, and competitors evolve.

Our approach to sales performance improvement includes two components: an agile approach to achieving transformational change, and a deployment model that drives multiple learning use-cases and a culture of continuous improvement.​

Our change process is designed to be effective in driving large-scale transformations as well as micro-changes at the individual seller level. It is built to respond quickly to new challenges and opportunities, following the same broad structure as our Sales Agility model: Assess, Choose, Execute. Within this framework, "Execute" is further divided into Learn, Apply, and Stick.

Click the diagram to explore our proven, modular AI-powered change process…

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